Saturday, May 5, 2012

Summer Lovin'

It has been a bit since I have posted just about this sweet face...
He took a huge spill this week that left his nose and several places on his mouth scraped up.
I just love his eyes(reminds me of his Daddy).  He has been so sweet lately.  He learned to blow kisses and he is always coming over to me and giving me hugs.  Such a sweet boy to his Mommy!! 

We have been enjoying the outdoors a lot lately.  He loves to be outdoors and even points to his shoes so we will put them on for him to go out.  If we don't get the point by him pointing to his shoes he will resort to screaming by the front door.

He is sporting the cutest summer outfits and some flip-flops these days...I love these chunky feet!!!

We busted out the bubble mower so Jack could help Daddy mow the lawn this week. 

He wanted to plant some pinwheel flowers too...

He is such a joy to be around that is until he has to come inside.  He had to have some alone time in his crib today because of the massive fit he threw when we came inside for dinner.  He was lying on the ground kicking and screaming and when I lifted him into his crib he continued kicking the rails for a few minutes.  I'm not sure how I plan to handle these sorts of things in the future but I should probably figure that out soon. 

Excited for a Lovely Apple workday tomorrow...Happy Weekend!! 


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