Monday, June 6, 2011

My Julie Bean

I love my little girl...she has some spunk!!

One of my favorite parts of this time of year is when Julie gets to get out in the yard and PLAY!!  And boy does she play!!  She sits all fall and winter staring out at the rain and snow moping. This week we put up the pools and she lit up with excitement.  

First we bobbed for hot dogs in her baby pool...she loves hot dogs!!

She will actually stick her whole head into the water to get the hot dog.

Then she wanted to full on swim in the "big" pool.

She likes to pretend that she is a dock dog and dive for her tennis ball into the pool. Super Dog!! 

Then she climbs up the ladder, shakes off, does it all over again...

Jack has loved sitting out in the shade and watching her play!

Our funny little girl has also grown accustomed to drinking "fresh water" out of the sink.  Mommy may have let her do this one night and now she refuses to drink anything out of a bowl.  Ooops!

I swear this dog thinks she is a human, but I just LOVE her!!

On a side note guess who was the first one in the pool this year??

Yeah thats right, it was ME!!  It was freezing but after a long, hot walk it felt pretty good.  

Hope you are having some Summer Fun, it sure does go by fast!!


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