Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Back to Good

So I tried really hard and had every good intention to jump on the New Year's Resolution bandwagon this year and get my little (OK...BIG) booty in shape.  With The Lovely Apple just getting off the ground and starting my Masters program, it just didn't happen. 

About a week ago a good friend of mine sent me a photo of when I first began to show with Jackson.  I was amazed at how different I looked then compared to now.  Prior to that time, I was advised to loose some weight in order to improve my chances of conceiving Jackson and managed to loose 10 lbs faster than I have ever taken weight off in my life.  I was so motivated by having a baby that I would do and did whatever in order to achieve that goal.  I need to find that motivation again, that drive to achieve. 

I don't have any personal photos from the time just before I conceived Jackson because my camera happened to be broken but I wish I did.  As I stared at this picture I first looked at my cute little tiny bump and then to my thin face, thin thighs, and thin arms.  WHAT HAPPENED!?!  (I actually said this out loud to my husband)  Isn't your body suppose to go back to normal after you have the baby?  My face looks round and puffy now, my thighs which are normally very muscular but thin are now flabby, and to be honest that tiny little baby bump, well I am pretty sure I am still carrying that around plus some.

Well here I am, putting myself out there and holding myself accountable by creating this post.  When people know what you are doing and hold you to outcomes, you sure don't want to fail at it...

This being my first week of getting back on track my focus has been MOTIVATION.  I am gonna be honest, I haven't found it yet.  I'm not sure where to look or how to go about getting myself there but I am determined to find it and use it! 

I brought myself to weigh in thinking maybe just maybe that would be my motivation.  Well let me tell you...that was NOT motivating.  I actually weigh the same as I did at my six week check up after giving birth to Jack!!  Seems like a mountain I am climbing this time around rather than just a few pounds.  Goal weight loss...40 lbs. 

If I can't quite find motivation then I will have to settle for some simple ground rules this week and maybe when I start to see progress I will find my motivation. So here they are:
*No soda, NONE, Not even Diet
*No food during the three hours before bed
*Move everyday!! No matter how big or small get your body moving for 10 minutes.
*Small portions and frequent meals
*Drink plenty of water

As you can see I am looking more to nutritional aspects here at the beginning and I do hope to add in some more definite exercise routines but for now I am gonna tackle one thing at a time. It took nine months to put on all of this weight and it is gonna take that long to get it off. 

This past week has been a challenge.  I am HUNGRY all the time!  Sitting here right now I want to grab a snack so badly but the kitchen is CLOSED for the night.  I know it is going to pay off and when it does I will start to feel the drive kick in.  The up-side to this week has been cutting out soda.  I was surprised at how easily I was able to drop that without craving it or having terrible caffeine withdrawal headaches.  Hopefully I will see a loss of weight when I weigh in on Monday.

What motivates you?  What keeps you on track, and How do you keep yourself thinking about the end result when you reach for that snack or decide you are too tired to workout?  I need some good strategies I can put to use. 
Don't want to post here? me:

I will be back weekly with progress and maybe when this evolves more (or is all over) I will share my numbers with you but for now I'm gonna keep that to myself :)


Jenny said...

We can do it together, friend! :)

stella largent said...

Nothing taste as good as thin feels...

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