Saturday, September 17, 2011

Jackson: 5 Months

Little Man is 5 months!!

Life with this happy baby just keeps getting better and better.  Jack is so very laid back and fun these days.  He smiles at everyone and loves to see others laughing.  He is just a lot of fun!!

Nicknames have become very popular in our house.  It seems like we are always coming up with new ones.  Jack Man, Jack Jack, Happy Dude, Bunny, Sleepy Dude, and sweet boy.  They may not be too inventive but we sure are attached to them. 

Sleep has gotten so much better.  Gone are the days of three hour bedtime routines.  We are finally able to lay him in his bed and he will simply go to sleep (or play until he falls asleep).  He is still waking in the middle of the night to eat but it is just once and then he goes right back to sleep.

Jackson is eating every three hours still and just this week we started to give him cereal.  He LOVED it.  It was the funniest thing I have ever seen.  I am still nursing him and I am not planning to stop anytime soon but pumping is difficult.  Supplementing may be in our near future because I just can't keep up. 

This month Jack is working on getting active.  He likes to be upright in his Johnny Jump Up or exersaucer and gets frustrated with being on the floor for too long.  He rolls all over the room and he has even started to scoot.  I think crawling is in our near future as he is able to get up on his knees and rock back and forth.  It is so fun to see him learning all of these things.  My heart just swells with pride when I see him do something new.  He also loves to be out and about, and when we are, I get countless comments about how good of a baby he is.  

Our house is full of laughter lately.  He thinks everything is funny and we think he is funny so all we do is laugh at each other. 

His loves:
his toes
his thumb
music and dancing
his daddy, he loves me too but it is just different with daddy,
different textures like hair, carpet, sheets, and skin
electronics: nothing gets this boy moving and determined like the remote control or a cell phone
reaching for Mommy and Daddy when he wants to be picked up or held

This kid is my heart and soul! I love you sweet baby boy!!


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