Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Winding down...

Oh my poor neglected blog...

We have been busy soaking up every last second of this summer and the time I have had off from school.  This week ends that time off and judging by the size of the four books I have for my classes this semester I'm not sure I will see time off again in my near future. 

Jackson and I topped our summer off with a little impromptu trip to Nebraska to see my family.  We soaked in the sun, lounged, shopped, and went for long walks in the park all weekend.  It was amazing and relaxing.  No where to be and no time constraints. 

We spent an entire day lounging out by the pool and playing in the water.  My little fish has grown quite fond of the water and is getting so comfortable.  There were a few times I had to rescue his brave soul in the baby pool but otherwise he and his arm floatie friends did an awesome job. 

Everything we did all weekend was a family affair.  Great Grandma loved getting a little spoil in here and there.  She was brave enough to do something I haven't even done yet.  She trotted right over and got him an ice cream bar and sat with him to eat it. 

He had a blast making a huge mess eating that ice cream.  When it was all said and done Grandma had chocolate and ice cream running down her legs.  She was such a good sport to let him indulge while we all watched. 

In my Grandparents town there is a horse racing arena and in August and September you can go bet on the horses.  I have never been to anything like this because we are never there at the perfect time of year to go.  I was so excited to see the horses race but I didn't think I would ever bet on the them.  I ended up betting on a few races and had a lot of beginners luck!!  It was so fun to look at the horses before the race, pick out the one I liked the most and then go place my $1 or $2 bet.  Then we would sit back and cheer. 

I love my family and weekends like this really rejuvenate me.  I returned content, well rested, and so happy. 

This weekend Jess and I top off our summer with our annual canoe trip.  We are super excited and so happy that the weather has gotten a little cooler this week. 

Hope every one's summer is winding down well.  Take a little time to take it all in and relax.  Have a great week!!



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