Monday, June 11, 2012

Week 8: Backslide

It happened...the one thing I dreaded since I started this whole thing...NO WEIGHT LOSS THIS WEEK...

I knew it would happen eventually; that I would have a plateau and that it would just mean I needed to step up my game and not be discouraged but I am discouraged.  This isn't a plateau...this is the direct result of poor choices.  I have chosen to be too busy to care about my body these past couple of weeks.  At least I can admit that this has served as a good slap in the face and I will commit myself to getting back on track.

Here are some of my mistakes: (When you see the words "too busy" substitute "too lazy")

I was "too busy" to workout.  Granted working out after a twelve hour shift is simply impossible.  I am lucky to make it safely to my bed in the mornings and admit to falling asleep at stop lights a time or two.  I have been working a lot of shifts and typically I like to work out in the evenings which is when I go to work so I just skipped out on workouts for the last two weeks.  BAD CHOICE #1!  I should have gotten my big bootie out of bed in the morning and worked out before I was even thinking about work. 

I was "too busy" to pack a healthy lunch and cook well rounded meals.  I generally have no problem eating healthy at home.  I buy good foods and make good choices, but get me out in the real world and things go awry.  Trips to the cafeteria and nights of ordering out foods from local restaurants have killed my weight loss this week and frankly haven't helped in the budget department either.  This was the only thing carrying me from week to week when I had dips in my exercise routine. 

Plans:  Tonight is my last night at work for the next week.  I am going to get back on track starting tonight by packing a healthy lunch.  I am going to workout four times this week since I will not be worrying at all about going to work or being overly busy.  I would like to try to get in the habit of working out right after Jack and I eat breakfast on the days we are home together.  He is usually in a good mood and I don't have to worry about him being too fussy in the stroller like in the evenings.  If I can make this small habit change I think it will really help me on the weeks I have a lot going on during the week. 

Have you ever had a backslide?  How did you get back on track?  What did you do to stay motivated?


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