Friday, May 20, 2011

Jackson: One Month Old

This cutie patootie turned one month old last week!!

 Jackson is such a big boy and growing even more everyday.  We have had our fair share of rough nights and fussy days but for the most part he is such a good baby and so very happy.  

As I am sure you can see, he is an eater!  He eats about every 3 hours during the day and has been going longer stretches at night.  We weighed him on our scale this week and he was 10.5lbs. We won't know his official weight in ounces until his two month check-up but I bet by then he will be at least twelve pounds. 

Jack isn't the best sleeper but we are making strides towards better nights.  He has a very hard time going down at night because he startles very easily on his back.  Usually I snuggle him up for about an hour before putting him in the bassinet, this way he is good and asleep.  I know he is ready to go to down when his passy falls right out of his mouth because he is so out.  We get one "long" stretch of 4-5 hours and then several small three hour stretches.  Mommy and Daddy are sleeping in until about ten o'clock but this is an improvement from our days of getting up at noon. 

One of our favorite things about Jack are his little (or shall I say big) feet.  It cracks me up that he was born into almost a size 2. 

Jackson loves to use his mornings to sleep so mommy can get a few things done around the house.  We have a short playtime in the morning but he saves all his energy for the night.  He starts to get very active in the early evening after dinner and will stay up until about 9p.m.  He is mastering holding his head up and looking around at toys.  During tummy time this week he even decided to roll over!!  The evenings are my favorite time because he gets so smiley and starts to coo and aww at me.  I have wanted to get a photo of his giant smile but I am usually so enamored by it that I forget to snap the photo.  This week I am going to have Jess take the photo while I just stare at his gorgeous smile.

I love being a mother more than anything else in my life.  I feel so blessed that God not only chose me to be Jack's mom but also that he is so healthy and happy.  I spend hours a day playing, talking, and sometimes just staring at him.  In the middle of the night when the room is dark and it is just the two of us up for a feeding he looks at me with those "you are my mommy!" eyes and then gives me the sweetest grin.  Those are the best moments of my life.  They are the moments that make me forget about the office project I took on way to close to our due date (that still remains unfinished), and the dirty dishes in the sink, and the laundry piling up in the hamper.  My life is forever changed in the best ways. 

On a side note, we started cloth diapering today and so far we both love it!  With every diaper change today we were counting out how much money we were saving.  It truly has been easy.  I am not naive though, it is day one, so I will let you know how it is going on a later post.   
This momma and baby are ready to CRASH!!  Have an awesome day!


Jenny said...

I love his one month pictures! He is getting so big, and looks different each time I see him. Can't wait to watch our babies grow up together. :) Love ya!

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