I know they say time flies when you have kids but I just can not believe I have a three month old. I feel like he should be three weeks old. He has learned so much in just three short months that it is hard for me to fathom what the next three will bring.
Pictures these days are a little rough. He is getting the nickname wiggle worm in our house lately. Just can't seem to sit still for more than a second. He spent most of this month's photo shoot sideways in his chair...
My beautiful sleeper has stopped sleeping through the night :( He was doing very well and then he hit a little growth spurt and needs to eat in the middle of the night again. Mommy and Daddy are back to only a few hours of sleep at a time. Although, I will tell you, on our little vacation we wore him out one day and he slept seven hours that night so I know there is hope.
Jackson is eating every three hours around the clock. He takes about 4-41/2 ounces. This month, nursing has been a challenge and I have had to work very hard to keep things moving forward in that department. He has gotten so many bottles and likes that you don't have to work or wait for the milk so he has been having a hard time being patient with nursing.
This little guy gets busier and busier each month. He is still rolling from front to back, but is also VERY close to going from his back to front. He scoots around his crib at night and I am always interested to see what position he will be in when I come and get him in the morning. Speaking of mornings, just this past week when I go to get him out of his crib in the morning he gets a huge smile as soon as he sees me come around the corner and sometimes even lets out a laugh or squeal. It melts my heart!! Best way to start the day.
He has found his little voice and uses it like crazy. He learned to laugh out loud and giggle this month. Those sound like the same thing but trust me are very different. His giggle is out of this world cute. His little personality continues to develop. I have seen so many new traits in him this past month. He is so determined and he loves to laugh. When I am laughing at something he just can't help but smile or laugh right along.
One of my favorite things this month has been his hair. It is filling in so cute, that is except for the bald spot in the back. I swear I can see growth in his hair from day to day and you can find me constantly rubbing my hands through it. He is so adorable.
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LOVE <3 |
Still loving these, and he is starting to get to know them as well.
Oh yeah, and I just can't leave out one more thing. He loves to snuggle! It is the best thing in this world. He buries his little face into my neck, takes a few heavy breaths, and then his whole body relaxes as he falls asleep. So sweet!
Our baby boy brings more joy to our lives than Jess and I have ever known. I thank God for giving him to us every single day. We both just light up when we talk about him, because he truly is the light of our lives.
Hope you have an awesome week!! Thanks for reading.