Well I did it...my first 10 pounds gone!! Yay!!!
Just 5 weeks ago I was soul searching for some motivation and I finally feel like I have found some motivation in how I feel and just the fact that the pounds are coming off slowly but surely.
Weight Loss: 1.8 pounds this week. Just shy of the two pound goal I have for each week.
Best Part of the Week: Getting to this ten pound mark this week has a little more meaning to me than it typically would because I was so sick this past week that I was unable to work out at all. The prior week Jackson was sick and I was only able to workout one day. I was sure that I would not be able to meet my goal since I had essentially not worked out in two weeks. This makes me feel really good about my nutrition and how well I am doing with eating healthy.
Worst Part of the Week: I really feel like I lost a little bit of steam with being sick. I have been tired and feel like my endurance has taken a hit. I just have to find a way to get back in the groove.
In honor of ten pounds gone here are ten confessions I hope to say good-bye to or progress from in the coming weeks:
1. Four weeks ago I weighed more than my husband.
2. I hate vegetables. Unless of course they are smothered in Ranch dressing.
3. I used to consume 4-6 slices of pizza on pizza night compared to my current 2 slices.
4. I have high cholesterol at age 27.
5. I am so overweight I can no longer walk in high heels; its awkward and uncomfortable.
6. I used to be a size 4. Now I am a size 12-14.
7. I have gained my weight over many years with most of my weight gain spikes in difficult emotional times or times I was feeling depressed.
8. I have a sweet tooth! :)
9. I ran for 3 minutes straight today and it nearly killed me...only 3 minutes.
10. Although I have made great strides I still weigh 174 pounds; which means my starting weight was 184.6 pounds. Wow!!
I'm not quite brave enough to post any progress photos of myself in my skin tight progress clothing but maybe after another ten pounds and I will start to feel confident again.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Mommy's Day Re-Do
This year on Mother's Day I was in no condition to celebrate. I love my little boy and he treated his Mommy so good on Mother's Day but this year was horrible. I was so sick I barely made it through the breakfast the boys made for me. They did such a good job getting me fresh picked flowers, hand making a card together, and texting me at work to get my breakfast request. It was all set up cute when I got home from work but I was just not feeling well. Shortly after eating I had to go to bed and get some rest.
This weekend we did a re-do and it was wonderful!! We spent the morning getting Jackson's pictures taken and he was so funny and cute!! He jumped into the fountain at one point which was hilarious; never a dull moment. We all snuggled up for a nice nap after lunch and then headed out to Crown Center. We decided to go to the new Sea Life Aquarium since Jackson loves to explore new things. Here is our day in photos...
(Please excuse some of my photos. There was no flash photography and I am not the best at low light photography.)
He stood in amazement the entire tour.
Fun at the touch pool.
This little guy swam right over to say hello to Jackson.
This amazing octopus is color blind but able to sense the color of its surroundings and change its own color to camoflauge itself. Can you see her?
I love jellies!! So majestic.
Jackson loved how these rays would swim over by him and then up to the top of the water to flap one side out of the water before diving back down. At one point these two startled him a bit and he turned around and ran shking his head.
Beautiful, amazing colors in all of the exhibits.
Mommy and Jack inside the fish bowl.
I love my boys!! Handsome fellas...
The day wouldn't be complete without a fountain picture.
Love this one!! It was so windy we kept getting our backs soaked with water as the wind blew. Jackson and I both made the same face in this picture which just cracks me up. Good job capturing that one Daddy!!
I've always known I wanted to be a Mother but never knew how much it would mean to me, and how it would change me. This little boy and my little family are what I live for. We have more fun than I could have ever imagined and my life feels so full with these two by my side. I am so happy, I am so blessed to have Jackson and Jess to share in my life. I thank God for these two guys every single day.
Off to bed now...My little angel is still up at midnight...don't ask me why?? Have a wonderful week, and if it has been a while since you have had a day of family fun, pick a day next weekend and do it!!
This weekend we did a re-do and it was wonderful!! We spent the morning getting Jackson's pictures taken and he was so funny and cute!! He jumped into the fountain at one point which was hilarious; never a dull moment. We all snuggled up for a nice nap after lunch and then headed out to Crown Center. We decided to go to the new Sea Life Aquarium since Jackson loves to explore new things. Here is our day in photos...
(Please excuse some of my photos. There was no flash photography and I am not the best at low light photography.)
He stood in amazement the entire tour.
Fun at the touch pool.
This little guy swam right over to say hello to Jackson.
This amazing octopus is color blind but able to sense the color of its surroundings and change its own color to camoflauge itself. Can you see her?
I love jellies!! So majestic.
Jackson loved how these rays would swim over by him and then up to the top of the water to flap one side out of the water before diving back down. At one point these two startled him a bit and he turned around and ran shking his head.
Beautiful, amazing colors in all of the exhibits.
Mommy and Jack inside the fish bowl.
I love my boys!! Handsome fellas...
The day wouldn't be complete without a fountain picture.
Love this one!! It was so windy we kept getting our backs soaked with water as the wind blew. Jackson and I both made the same face in this picture which just cracks me up. Good job capturing that one Daddy!!
I've always known I wanted to be a Mother but never knew how much it would mean to me, and how it would change me. This little boy and my little family are what I live for. We have more fun than I could have ever imagined and my life feels so full with these two by my side. I am so happy, I am so blessed to have Jackson and Jess to share in my life. I thank God for these two guys every single day.
Off to bed now...My little angel is still up at midnight...don't ask me why?? Have a wonderful week, and if it has been a while since you have had a day of family fun, pick a day next weekend and do it!!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
13 Months
Continuing on our first year tradition of monthly photos we will be doing Jackson's second year in photos as well. This year I am doing things a little more casual to fit into our busy schedule. This particular month was VERY casual, aka in his stroller while waiting in line at the aquarium. Hey, can't blame a girl for multi-tasking and keeping her child entertained for a 25 minute wait. Jack's thirteenth month...
Our baby boy is no longer a baby. He is all boy!!
At 13 months Jackson weighs 22 pounds 6 ounces and is 29 1/2 inches tall. He is wearing 12 month sized clothes and a couple of 18 month Carters outfits. He seems so tall this month and several times I have put on a pair of his jammies only to realize they are too short for him. These nights usually leave me a bit choked up about how much he is changing.
We have settled into a sweet spot lately with our routine and his personality. He continues to love making us laugh which he does often. Our days consist of a very predictable schedule thanks to his awesome new daycare teachers. They assured me on his first day in the new room that in just a couple of weeks he would be "trained." Jackson gets up each day around 8a.m., eats breakfast, plays, eats lunch, takes one three hour nap, plays, eats dinner, plays, bathtime, then bedtime at 7:15p.m. I feel like I have my life back a bit because during his wonderful three hour nap I am able to tackle most everything I need to get done for the day, or study, or relax. The rest of the time I am able to fully enjoy hanging out with my little boy.
Jack has transitioned over to whole milk and didn't seem to even notice when we switched. He LOVES his milk. We also cut out another bottle from his schedule so now he just gets a bedtime bottle. I am afraid this is going to be a hard one to cut out. And a slight tangent here...I have noticed when I am out and about people let their kids drink out of bottles for a really long time. Is it more convenient or something? I just don't get it. The last couple of times I have been out I have seen 18-24 month olds drinking out of bottles. Did I miss something? (Sorry, just wondering if I am doing something wrong??)
I can visibly see him learning everyday. He is following one and some two step directions and understands everything!! We have started to spell some words because as soon as he hears these words he is dead set on having or doing them. I can tell he wants to be more verbal and he tries to get some words out but nothing is really making sense to me. I talked to his pediatrician about this and he said it is totally normal. I returned with, "well, is it totally normal for me to be stressed that he isn't saying words?" I feel bad but I get a little frustrated that I work with him a lot and read books and get on his level and show him what things are and how to say them but he isn't making words. Guess I am being a little too pushy (imagine that). Jackson is very good at his signs though. He signs eat, more, and please and points to everything in order to communicate.
Jackson is very well behaved most of the time but he also has a two year old attitude as of late. Fits have begun and his pedi assures me that once they turn 13 months they mine as well be two years old and that lasts for the next three years. So we are learning how to deal with fits and whining in our home. It is so difficult...the rational things you think should work usually escalate the problem but I know if I let him walk all over me we will have serious issues later. I have thought about getting a book to help prepare me for these types of behaviors and how to best handle them. Any suggestions are much appreciated...
We so enjoy being this little guys parents. I am so excited for all that this summer has in store for us. He is at such a fun age for water play, outdoor activities, and lots of fun. I love this cute face!!
Our baby boy is no longer a baby. He is all boy!!
At 13 months Jackson weighs 22 pounds 6 ounces and is 29 1/2 inches tall. He is wearing 12 month sized clothes and a couple of 18 month Carters outfits. He seems so tall this month and several times I have put on a pair of his jammies only to realize they are too short for him. These nights usually leave me a bit choked up about how much he is changing.
We have settled into a sweet spot lately with our routine and his personality. He continues to love making us laugh which he does often. Our days consist of a very predictable schedule thanks to his awesome new daycare teachers. They assured me on his first day in the new room that in just a couple of weeks he would be "trained." Jackson gets up each day around 8a.m., eats breakfast, plays, eats lunch, takes one three hour nap, plays, eats dinner, plays, bathtime, then bedtime at 7:15p.m. I feel like I have my life back a bit because during his wonderful three hour nap I am able to tackle most everything I need to get done for the day, or study, or relax. The rest of the time I am able to fully enjoy hanging out with my little boy.
Jack has transitioned over to whole milk and didn't seem to even notice when we switched. He LOVES his milk. We also cut out another bottle from his schedule so now he just gets a bedtime bottle. I am afraid this is going to be a hard one to cut out. And a slight tangent here...I have noticed when I am out and about people let their kids drink out of bottles for a really long time. Is it more convenient or something? I just don't get it. The last couple of times I have been out I have seen 18-24 month olds drinking out of bottles. Did I miss something? (Sorry, just wondering if I am doing something wrong??)
I can visibly see him learning everyday. He is following one and some two step directions and understands everything!! We have started to spell some words because as soon as he hears these words he is dead set on having or doing them. I can tell he wants to be more verbal and he tries to get some words out but nothing is really making sense to me. I talked to his pediatrician about this and he said it is totally normal. I returned with, "well, is it totally normal for me to be stressed that he isn't saying words?" I feel bad but I get a little frustrated that I work with him a lot and read books and get on his level and show him what things are and how to say them but he isn't making words. Guess I am being a little too pushy (imagine that). Jackson is very good at his signs though. He signs eat, more, and please and points to everything in order to communicate.
Jackson is very well behaved most of the time but he also has a two year old attitude as of late. Fits have begun and his pedi assures me that once they turn 13 months they mine as well be two years old and that lasts for the next three years. So we are learning how to deal with fits and whining in our home. It is so difficult...the rational things you think should work usually escalate the problem but I know if I let him walk all over me we will have serious issues later. I have thought about getting a book to help prepare me for these types of behaviors and how to best handle them. Any suggestions are much appreciated...
We so enjoy being this little guys parents. I am so excited for all that this summer has in store for us. He is at such a fun age for water play, outdoor activities, and lots of fun. I love this cute face!!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Week 4: The Sickness
Sickness has invaded our home and I just have to say, I am about the WORST at being sick. I usually thrash around the bed trying to get comfortable and I cry at least once a day about how miserable I feel. Really, I think Jackson is better at the whole sick thing than I am, at least he can manage to play. It has been a while since I can remember being as sick as I am right now with fever, and chills. Hopefully we are able to shake this off soon and get back to normal life, but most of all I hope this doesn't set me back this week. I need to take time to rest but it is so hard when you have things you want to accomplish. Anyway to my weigh in for the week...
Weight Loss/Gain: Down another 1.5 lbs!! I am just one pound from losing my first ten pounds. WOW, that went by fast. I was thinking this week about how far away the next ten pounds seems and that maybe I should have a smaller victory to look forward to before that next goal. I haven't been able to remember what my pre-pregnancy weight was but I thought that would be an awesome achievement. Good thing I kept a very detailed pregnancy journal complete with weekly weigh-ins. After my first ten pounds I am going to focus on getting to my pre-preggo weight which will be just six pounds.
Best part of this week: Everything is becoming a little more routine to me. Fitting in workouts and choosing the right foods is becoming second nature and something that seems easier to fit into my busy schedule. I enjoy getting active and it has become a bit of a family affair. I don't have any friends that live close enough to me that I can workout with regularly but my hubby steps in and becomes my workout partner when I really need one to stay motivated.
Worst part of this week: My knees have been killing me from all of the pavement running I have been doing. I do love the training program for the 5K but I need to scale back a bit. I have been doing three nights a week of running on a concrete surface and it is starting to take a toll. I am going to try to switch to a track running surface for one of the days and see if that helps. Also I feel like I need to incorporate a more dynamic workout a couple days a week in order to work some other muscle groups and so that I can keep my body guessing. It is so easy to do the running program because I can put Jackson in the stroller and go anytime during the day or evening. In order to do something different I have to be able to put him somewhere that he won't be in danger of getting kicked in the face by one of my awesome moves.
Thought I would leave you with something funny for this week as I need a little humor boost today...
Weight Loss/Gain: Down another 1.5 lbs!! I am just one pound from losing my first ten pounds. WOW, that went by fast. I was thinking this week about how far away the next ten pounds seems and that maybe I should have a smaller victory to look forward to before that next goal. I haven't been able to remember what my pre-pregnancy weight was but I thought that would be an awesome achievement. Good thing I kept a very detailed pregnancy journal complete with weekly weigh-ins. After my first ten pounds I am going to focus on getting to my pre-preggo weight which will be just six pounds.
Best part of this week: Everything is becoming a little more routine to me. Fitting in workouts and choosing the right foods is becoming second nature and something that seems easier to fit into my busy schedule. I enjoy getting active and it has become a bit of a family affair. I don't have any friends that live close enough to me that I can workout with regularly but my hubby steps in and becomes my workout partner when I really need one to stay motivated.
Worst part of this week: My knees have been killing me from all of the pavement running I have been doing. I do love the training program for the 5K but I need to scale back a bit. I have been doing three nights a week of running on a concrete surface and it is starting to take a toll. I am going to try to switch to a track running surface for one of the days and see if that helps. Also I feel like I need to incorporate a more dynamic workout a couple days a week in order to work some other muscle groups and so that I can keep my body guessing. It is so easy to do the running program because I can put Jackson in the stroller and go anytime during the day or evening. In order to do something different I have to be able to put him somewhere that he won't be in danger of getting kicked in the face by one of my awesome moves.
Thought I would leave you with something funny for this week as I need a little humor boost today...
Have a great and productive week!!
weight loss
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Week 3: One Step at a Time
Weight Loss: 1.5 lbs. Just short of my 2lb goal but I am gonna blame this on the McDonalds I ate Sunday night on the way to Children's Mercy. Total weight loss to date: 7.5 lbs.
I had a mini meltdown in the middle of this week when I decided to hop on the scale one night before bed. I usually wait the whole week before I get on the scale but for some crazy reason I decided to get on and take a peak early. The results that night were not what I had wanted for that far along in the week so I was a little upset to say the least.
How do you handle not getting the results you want? I know I usually meltdown and get off track. When I am stressed I always seem to get down about it and start slacking off. With the determination to get healthy I wasn't gonna let not reaching my weekly goal get the best of me. So this is what got me through...
If I lose just one pound a week for the next year I will have lost 52 lbs!!
Just one year and I could be 50lbs less; that is amazing to me. I am only three weeks in and already down 7.5lbs which means I have a jump start on this already. I know that the last year has gone by so fast and that doesn't seem to be changing. In a short time those 52 weeks will be gone and if I can focus on the subtle changes it takes to lose just a pound a week I can reach my goals this year.
Worst part of the week: The HEAT!!! I don't have indoor workout abilities so I was out there struggling to breathe through the thick air. I cleared out a nice space in our bedroom this week so that I can do some video workouts if needed on future hot days.
Best part of the week: My clothes are starting to fit a little looser. I have tried on a smaller size and they are buttoning but not fitting comfortable. I know I am close and when I get there I will be wearing clothes I have not worn in two years.
Goals for this week: Nothing new to add to this week. I just want to focus on the basic things I have been working on these past two weeks and try not to focus too much on the numbers I see on the scale.
Have a great week!!!
I had a mini meltdown in the middle of this week when I decided to hop on the scale one night before bed. I usually wait the whole week before I get on the scale but for some crazy reason I decided to get on and take a peak early. The results that night were not what I had wanted for that far along in the week so I was a little upset to say the least.
If I lose just one pound a week for the next year I will have lost 52 lbs!!
Just one year and I could be 50lbs less; that is amazing to me. I am only three weeks in and already down 7.5lbs which means I have a jump start on this already. I know that the last year has gone by so fast and that doesn't seem to be changing. In a short time those 52 weeks will be gone and if I can focus on the subtle changes it takes to lose just a pound a week I can reach my goals this year.
Worst part of the week: The HEAT!!! I don't have indoor workout abilities so I was out there struggling to breathe through the thick air. I cleared out a nice space in our bedroom this week so that I can do some video workouts if needed on future hot days.
Best part of the week: My clothes are starting to fit a little looser. I have tried on a smaller size and they are buttoning but not fitting comfortable. I know I am close and when I get there I will be wearing clothes I have not worn in two years.
Goals for this week: Nothing new to add to this week. I just want to focus on the basic things I have been working on these past two weeks and try not to focus too much on the numbers I see on the scale.
Have a great week!!!
weight loss
Monday, May 7, 2012
Thank You
Postponing my weigh in tonight to talk about being thankful...
Thankful that my baby boy is home and hopefully on the mend...
Saturday night Jackson was restless all night and started to run a fever overnight. He peaked at 103 degrees Sunday morning when we were finally able to get it to come down with some Motrin and Tylenol. He seemed ok during the day Sunday, playing, eating, and drinking well. Sunday afternoon and evening he began to run a fever again and it had worked up to 105 degrees. He was miserable, wouldn't eat or drink, and Jess and I thought it best to take him in to urgent care.
Honestly I thought we would see the doc, get an antibiotic, and be home. When they hooked Jackson up to get a set of vitals his oxygen level was 93% and his respiratory rate was in the 60's. We were concerned but he was running a fever and exhausted. We tried to get his fever down and see if his condition improved and when it didn't the Doctor recommended some breathing treatments and some suctioning.
NT Suctioning used to be one of my favorite things to do at work. I know it sounds just wrong but I really did like sucking all that junk out of people so they could breathe well again. I don't think I will ever see that the same after I saw that happen to my child.
Halfway through the evening Jackson was so terrified of anyone who walked in the room that when he heard the door knob he would whip around to see the door and latch onto me tight. After two breathing treatments, suctioning, and a chest X-ray showing some thickening in his lungs the Doctor came in to talk to us. At that time I really thought we were just going to go home with an antibiotic. When the Doctor said he is just working to hard to breathe for us to let him go home I felt like someone kicked me in the stomach.
I can not imagine what parents of chronically or critically ill children undergo. I knew Jackson would be fine, I knew the physicians were being cautious, and yet I was a mess of emotions. I felt bad that I waited all day to take him in, that he was so miserable, and most of all I wanted to take it all away. He was so very scared. I have never seen him scared of people; he is always so friendly. I just kept telling myself; I rather him be scared and fighting than too weak or sick to put up a fight.
We settled into the hospital around 10pm hoping that Jackson would start drinking again and that his fever and breathing effort would improve. His oxygen levels had improved after the breathing treatments at the urgent care center. Overnight Jackson required some suctioning and spiked another 105 degree fever. It was a long night of little sleep but by about 3am I could tell he was turning a corner.
After a few hours of sleep for our little man he woke up hungry, thirsty, and fever free. As soon as the doc saw Jackson this morning she was confident we would be able to manage at home! He has run a fever tonight and developed pink eye in both eyes this afternoon but he is in much better spirits and playing again. It is just a matter of time until this little boy is up and running again.
Thankful that my baby boy is home and hopefully on the mend...
Saturday night Jackson was restless all night and started to run a fever overnight. He peaked at 103 degrees Sunday morning when we were finally able to get it to come down with some Motrin and Tylenol. He seemed ok during the day Sunday, playing, eating, and drinking well. Sunday afternoon and evening he began to run a fever again and it had worked up to 105 degrees. He was miserable, wouldn't eat or drink, and Jess and I thought it best to take him in to urgent care.
Honestly I thought we would see the doc, get an antibiotic, and be home. When they hooked Jackson up to get a set of vitals his oxygen level was 93% and his respiratory rate was in the 60's. We were concerned but he was running a fever and exhausted. We tried to get his fever down and see if his condition improved and when it didn't the Doctor recommended some breathing treatments and some suctioning.
NT Suctioning used to be one of my favorite things to do at work. I know it sounds just wrong but I really did like sucking all that junk out of people so they could breathe well again. I don't think I will ever see that the same after I saw that happen to my child.
Halfway through the evening Jackson was so terrified of anyone who walked in the room that when he heard the door knob he would whip around to see the door and latch onto me tight. After two breathing treatments, suctioning, and a chest X-ray showing some thickening in his lungs the Doctor came in to talk to us. At that time I really thought we were just going to go home with an antibiotic. When the Doctor said he is just working to hard to breathe for us to let him go home I felt like someone kicked me in the stomach.
I can not imagine what parents of chronically or critically ill children undergo. I knew Jackson would be fine, I knew the physicians were being cautious, and yet I was a mess of emotions. I felt bad that I waited all day to take him in, that he was so miserable, and most of all I wanted to take it all away. He was so very scared. I have never seen him scared of people; he is always so friendly. I just kept telling myself; I rather him be scared and fighting than too weak or sick to put up a fight.
We settled into the hospital around 10pm hoping that Jackson would start drinking again and that his fever and breathing effort would improve. His oxygen levels had improved after the breathing treatments at the urgent care center. Overnight Jackson required some suctioning and spiked another 105 degree fever. It was a long night of little sleep but by about 3am I could tell he was turning a corner.
My snuggle bug trying to sleep in his cage bed. |
After a few hours of sleep for our little man he woke up hungry, thirsty, and fever free. As soon as the doc saw Jackson this morning she was confident we would be able to manage at home! He has run a fever tonight and developed pink eye in both eyes this afternoon but he is in much better spirits and playing again. It is just a matter of time until this little boy is up and running again.
So thankful to be home, for the love of my family and friends, for everyone who said prayers for us, for all the kind words people sent us, for all the sweet nurses who cared for Jackson, for the strength of children, and for the cuddles my little boy has been so generous with these past two days. I feel so blessed that my son is happy and healthy most days. Tonight my prayers go out to children and their families that deal with illness everyday, please pray for these little angels and all that they endure.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Summer Lovin'
It has been a bit since I have posted just about this sweet face...
I just love his eyes(reminds me of his Daddy). He has been so sweet lately. He learned to blow kisses and he is always coming over to me and giving me hugs. Such a sweet boy to his Mommy!!
We have been enjoying the outdoors a lot lately. He loves to be outdoors and even points to his shoes so we will put them on for him to go out. If we don't get the point by him pointing to his shoes he will resort to screaming by the front door.
He wanted to plant some pinwheel flowers too...
He is such a joy to be around that is until he has to come inside. He had to have some alone time in his crib today because of the massive fit he threw when we came inside for dinner. He was lying on the ground kicking and screaming and when I lifted him into his crib he continued kicking the rails for a few minutes. I'm not sure how I plan to handle these sorts of things in the future but I should probably figure that out soon.
Excited for a Lovely Apple workday tomorrow...Happy Weekend!!
![]() |
He took a huge spill this week that left his nose and several places on his mouth scraped up. |
We have been enjoying the outdoors a lot lately. He loves to be outdoors and even points to his shoes so we will put them on for him to go out. If we don't get the point by him pointing to his shoes he will resort to screaming by the front door.
He is sporting the cutest summer outfits and some flip-flops these days...I love these chunky feet!!!
We busted out the bubble mower so Jack could help Daddy mow the lawn this week. He wanted to plant some pinwheel flowers too...
He is such a joy to be around that is until he has to come inside. He had to have some alone time in his crib today because of the massive fit he threw when we came inside for dinner. He was lying on the ground kicking and screaming and when I lifted him into his crib he continued kicking the rails for a few minutes. I'm not sure how I plan to handle these sorts of things in the future but I should probably figure that out soon.
Excited for a Lovely Apple workday tomorrow...Happy Weekend!!
life as we know it,
Friday, May 4, 2012
One Year in a Flash
Jackson is One!!! Our baby boy is now a busy toddler and while it is a little bittersweet, I couldn't be happier. He is so full of life and such a joy to be around. We are so blessed to be the parents of such a sweet happy child.
And now for the details of Jackson's One Year in a Flash Party...
I knew as soon as I saw the idea for this theme on Hostess with The Mostess I was hooked. I love to take photos of my little boy and it just seemed like the perfect theme for a fun laid back party for a one year old. I had a blast planning every little detail of this party and hand making most of the items.
I wanted the colors for his party to be fun and colorful. With a lot of my design work being on the computer I knew I would need some digital papers along with some printed papers from the scrapbook store. I was in luck when I found Echo Park's Little Boy Collection of papers and digital pack. They were perfect for every little detail.
Jackson's invitation featured a filmstrip wrap around the center and fun, colorful polka dot prints.
There were two inserts in his invitation. One for the time capsule instructions and, my favorite, a cute little Polaroid telling of the photo booth and photographer that would be at the party for mini photo shoots.
On party day we had a blast seeing all of the details come together. Each table was decorated with a mason jar full of gumballs and a cute centerpiece stick. I loved sorting through the photos from the last year and choosing my favorites. The mason jars I picked up from a thrift store for $4 for 13 of them. Gotta love a good deal!!
For this afternoon party we did a dessert bar rather than a meal. I didn't get a picture of the whole table (oops) but we had cupcakes, cookie pops, chocolate lollipops, brownies, and Crystal Light and lemonade to drink. This made things so easy for me and very inexpensive. I made a bunch of different desserts and ordered some cupcakes/smash cake for Jackson. I placed lots of other fun items on the dessert and drink table like little signs in $0.50 frames I spray painted, and even my husband's first camera from when he was a child. These little details really made the tables look complete.
Jackson's birthday banner was a little shorter than I would have liked but still looked very cute on the wall above the dessert table.
My favorite part of the party was Jackson's time capsule. It was so fun seeing all of the neat things people put into his time capsule. We placed his time capsule on a table with his baby book and some other cute decor. The letter J was just $1 at Michael's and I modpodged it with a scrap of extra paper from the party.
His photo banner turned out cute too and hung above the favor table and time capsule table.
The favors for Jack's party were little binder clips that I embellished with paper scraps, ric rac, and a sparkle star (simple tutorial to come). Guests can use these to hold photos or other items at home. They came with a little card telling the guests they would receive a 5x7 photo in the mail of their family in the photo booth.
Can't forget the birthday boy and his adorable hand made camera onesie.
He had so much fun running around like he was a big kid with the other kids at the party. And oh my goodness he loved his cake so much he cried when I took it away from him.
Throwing a party for a one year old can be tough. The little one isn't quite able to participate in games and activities but you want to have a fun party for guests to attend. A photo-booth is a fun way to have an activity at the party but in a casual way. Everyone really had a blast getting silly and having their pictures taken. The props were all handmade or items from around our home. If you are looking for some good photo booth props check out Oh Happy Day Blog. They have tons of do it yourself templates for props and they are super easy to make.
We had a blast celebrating with everyone! Although these parties are a lot of work, I can't wait for next year. Events and parties are my favorite!!
Thank you:
Invitations and Decor by The Lovely Apple
Photos by Life: by the French's Photography
Cupcakes, cookies, and smash cake by Wannabe Cakes
And now for the details of Jackson's One Year in a Flash Party...
I knew as soon as I saw the idea for this theme on Hostess with The Mostess I was hooked. I love to take photos of my little boy and it just seemed like the perfect theme for a fun laid back party for a one year old. I had a blast planning every little detail of this party and hand making most of the items.
I wanted the colors for his party to be fun and colorful. With a lot of my design work being on the computer I knew I would need some digital papers along with some printed papers from the scrapbook store. I was in luck when I found Echo Park's Little Boy Collection of papers and digital pack. They were perfect for every little detail.
Jackson's invitation featured a filmstrip wrap around the center and fun, colorful polka dot prints.
There were two inserts in his invitation. One for the time capsule instructions and, my favorite, a cute little Polaroid telling of the photo booth and photographer that would be at the party for mini photo shoots.
On party day we had a blast seeing all of the details come together. Each table was decorated with a mason jar full of gumballs and a cute centerpiece stick. I loved sorting through the photos from the last year and choosing my favorites. The mason jars I picked up from a thrift store for $4 for 13 of them. Gotta love a good deal!!
For this afternoon party we did a dessert bar rather than a meal. I didn't get a picture of the whole table (oops) but we had cupcakes, cookie pops, chocolate lollipops, brownies, and Crystal Light and lemonade to drink. This made things so easy for me and very inexpensive. I made a bunch of different desserts and ordered some cupcakes/smash cake for Jackson. I placed lots of other fun items on the dessert and drink table like little signs in $0.50 frames I spray painted, and even my husband's first camera from when he was a child. These little details really made the tables look complete.
Jackson's birthday banner was a little shorter than I would have liked but still looked very cute on the wall above the dessert table.
My favorite part of the party was Jackson's time capsule. It was so fun seeing all of the neat things people put into his time capsule. We placed his time capsule on a table with his baby book and some other cute decor. The letter J was just $1 at Michael's and I modpodged it with a scrap of extra paper from the party.
Can't forget the birthday boy and his adorable hand made camera onesie.
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Wannabe Cakes |

Thank you:
Invitations and Decor by The Lovely Apple
Photos by Life: by the French's Photography
Cupcakes, cookies, and smash cake by Wannabe Cakes
First Birthday,
One Year Old in a Flash
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