You are sweet...
You are happy...
You are smart...
You are ornery...
You are like your Father...
You are like your Mother...
You are so fun...
You are so determined...
You are so LOVED!!!
At nine months...
*You love food!! You cram it in as fast as you can in the biggest handfuls
and it makes us laugh. You especially love spaghetti.
*You love dogs!!
*You love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse...Mommy doesn't let you watch it except
when she really needs a shower but when you do you are mesmerized. You
especially love the "Hotdog" song.
*You are walking around the house using your walking toys and all over the
*You are such a Mommy's Boy!! I love it, and my heart just swells when you
reach for me or cling to me instead of someone else.
*You love Daddy!! Especially when you are super playful. When Dad gets home from work and he stretches out on the floor to play, you always climb on top of his head like you two are in a wrestling match and then you start hollering as loud as you can like you have defeated him. I guess it is some sort of unspoken man language??
*You are such a good sleeper at home, and such a terrible sleeper anywhere
else. One day you took a five minute nap at daycare, and they thought it worthy
of writing down as a nap, lol!
*You are standing but you don't know it. You only stand when you are distracted
by holding a toy and just for a few seconds before you realize it and plop down.
*You have a bit of an attitude at times. If you don't like something you
swat your hands at it, arch your back, and pretty much scream. These occasions
are rare but you are sure to let us know.
*You get into everything and while it is trouble at times I love your
inquisitive nature.
*Oh how you love to dance. Anytime the music is goin' you are movin'.
*You crack me up...I laugh with you all day long. You do some of the
funniest things that remind me of your Daddy.
*You amaze me with your love, your intelligence, and your smile.
Not sure how I got so lucky to be your Mommy, but I sure am glad that God
chose me to be here with you. You will always be the most important thing in
our lives and our love for you is like no other.
Love, Mom and Dad